Contact us

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We value your input and are keen to hear your thoughts.
Help us grow with your feedback and enquiries, including:

  • Suggestions for datasets
  • Problems or issues
  • Suggestions for improvement.

Please contact us via Connect with us | Jobs and Skills Australia. Your enquiry will be directed to the appropriate person for a response.

Frequently asked questions

Please contact us via Connect with us | Jobs and Skills Australia. Your enquiry will be directed to the appropriate person for a response.

Please refer to the Error Handling page on for common API errors.

We value your input and are keen to hear your thoughts. To help us grow with your feedback and enquiries, including:
  • Suggestions for datasets
  • Problems or issues
  • Suggestions for improvement
Please contact us via Connect with us | Jobs and Skills Australia. Your enquiry will be directed to the appropriate person for a response.

Please contact us via Connect with us | Jobs and Skills Australia. Your enquiry will be directed to the appropriate person for a response.